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      CO2 Gas Fire Extinguishing System

      Home > Products > CO2 Gas Fire Extinguishing System

      CO2 Gas Fire Extinguishing System


      Product Overview


      HERO highpressure CO2 fire extinguishing systemuses CO2 asits extinguishingagent.Carbon Dioxide (CO2)does no harm to most substances and doesn’t leave its trace or has nopernicious effects after fire extinguishing, which is suitable for putting outfires caused by various combustible or inflammable liquid and solid substances,a…

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      • Introduction
      • Download


      HERO highpressure CO2 fire extinguishing systemuses CO2 asits extinguishingagent.Carbon Dioxide (CO2)does no harm to most substances and doesn’t leave its trace or has nopernicious effects after fire extinguishing, which is suitable for putting outfires caused by various combustible or inflammable liquid and solid substances,and for gas fire in which gas supply can be cut down before conductingextinguishing. There are two actuating ways of HERO CO2fire extinguishing system: Schematic Diagram ofDriving Gas Cylinders Actuating and MasterSlave Actuating. HERO products have passed the test of QualitySupervision and Testing Center.

      Performance parameters:

      1)Types:Schematic Diagram of Driving Gas CylindersActuating and SchematicDiagram of Master SlaveActuating;



      Technical characteristics:

      1)Hero high pressure CO2 can be usedboth in total flooding fire extinguishing systemand local fire extinguishing system

      2)This product can be used for tripping type selector valve andelectric control selector valve.“Electric control selector valve and a master cylinder controlledcombined distribution system &#40;patent&#41;”,when automatic control, it uses a mastercylinder to control a compete set (multiple protection zone) combineddistribution system, cancels actuation cylinders,centralizes control source, reduces control links, improves control reliability;when mechanical emergency operation, simply manually open the electric controlselector valve and the master cylinder ,the protection zone open automaticallyfrom the slave cylinders, without manual work to locate the protection zonesuppressant cylinders and open it one by one, to avoid manual open delay thebest extinguishing time or may caused incorrect operation.

      Places for Application

      It is applicable to the followingsituations: GB50193-1999

      1)Gas fire in the event that gas source canbe cut off before extinguishment;

      2)liquid fire or fire on fusible solidsurface,such as paraffin and asphalt;

      3)Fire on solid surface or partial deep-seated solid fire such as cotton, fabric, and paper, etc;

      4)Electrical fire.

      Typical referencedplaces:

      1) vault of banks, archival repository,library, etc;

      2) Power transformer room and distributionroom, generator room,etc;

      3) Rooms where precious things are kept;

      4) Coal warehouse of power plant coalwarehouse, warehouse, mechanical stereo garage;

      5) Computer room, communication set room;

      The Product is NotApplicable to the Following Situations:GB50193-1999

      1)Fire of chemicalproducts containing peroxides such as nitrocellulose and sodium nitrate, or oxidant;

      2)Fire of active metals like potassium, sodium,magnesium, titanium, zirconium and uranium;

      3)Fire of metalhydride like potassium hydride and sodium hydride;

      Compilation Basis

      (1)GB16669 General technicalconditions for CO2fire extinguishing system and components;

      (2)GB16806 Fire linkage controlsystem;

      (3)GB50166 Code for Installationand Acceptanceof Automatic Fire Alarm System;

      (4)GB50193 Code ofDesign for CO2Fire Extinguishing System;

      (5)GB50263 Code for Installationand Acceptanceof Gas Fire Extinguishing System;

      (6)GBJ166  Code of Designfor Automatic Fire AlarmSystem.

      • Case Introduction



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